
Parameters for mpv_render_param (which is used in a few places such as mpv_render_context_create().

Also see mpv_render_param for conventions and how to use it.



Not a valid value, but also used to terminate a params array. Its value is always guaranteed to be 0 (even if the ABI changes in the future).


The render API to use. Valid for mpv_render_context_create().

Type: char*

Defined APIs:

MPV_RENDER_API_TYPE_OPENGL: OpenGL desktop 2.1 or later (preferably core profile compatible to OpenGL 3.2), or OpenGLES 2.0 or later. Providing MPV_RENDER_PARAM_OPENGL_INIT_PARAMS is required. It is expected that an OpenGL context is valid and "current" when calling mpv_render_* functions (unless specified otherwise). It must be the same context for the same mpv_render_context.


Required parameters for initializing the OpenGL renderer. Valid for mpv_render_context_create(). Type: mpv_opengl_init_params*


Describes a GL render target. Valid for mpv_render_context_render(). Type: mpv_opengl_fbo*


Control flipped rendering. Valid for mpv_render_context_render(). Type: int* If the value is set to 0, render normally. Otherwise, render it flipped, which is needed e.g. when rendering to an OpenGL default framebuffer (which has a flipped coordinate system).


Control surface depth. Valid for mpv_render_context_render(). Type: int* This implies the depth of the surface passed to the render function in bits per channel. If omitted or set to 0, the renderer will assume 8. Typically used to control dithering.


ICC profile blob. Valid for mpv_render_context_set_parameter(). Type: mpv_byte_array* Set an ICC profile for use with the "icc-profile-auto" option. (If the option is not enabled, the ICC data will not be used.)


Ambient light in lux. Valid for mpv_render_context_set_parameter(). Type: int* This can be used for automatic gamma correction.


X11 Display, sometimes used for hwdec. Valid for mpv_render_context_create(). The Display must stay valid for the lifetime of the mpv_render_context. Type: Display*


Wayland display, sometimes used for hwdec. Valid for mpv_render_context_create(). The wl_display must stay valid for the lifetime of the mpv_render_context. Type: struct wl_display*


Better control about rendering and enabling some advanced features. Valid for mpv_render_context_create().

This conflates multiple requirements the API user promises to abide if this option is enabled:

- The API user's render thread, which is calling the mpv_render_*() functions, never waits for the core. Otherwise deadlocks can happen. See "Threading" section. - The callback set with mpv_render_context_set_update_callback() can now be called even if there is no new frame. The API user should call the mpv_render_context_update() function, and interpret the return value for whether a new frame should be rendered. - Correct functionality is impossible if the update callback is not set, or not set soon enough after mpv_render_context_create() (the core can block while waiting for you to call mpv_render_context_update(), and if the update callback is not correctly set, it will deadlock, or block for too long).

In general, setting this option will enable the following features (and possibly more):

- "Direct rendering", which means the player decodes directly to a texture, which saves a copy per video frame ("vd-lavc-dr" option needs to be enabled, and the rendering backend as well as the underlying GPU API/driver needs to have support for it). - Rendering screenshots with the GPU API if supported by the backend (instead of using a suboptimal software fallback via libswscale).

Warning: do not just add this without reading the "Threading" section above, and then wondering that deadlocks happen. The requirements are tricky. But also note that even if advanced control is disabled, not adhering to the rules will lead to playback problems. Enabling advanced controls simply makes violating these rules fatal.

Type: int*: 0 for disable (default), 1 for enable


Return information about the next frame to render. Valid for mpv_render_context_get_info().

Type: mpv_render_frame_info*

It strictly returns information about the _next_ frame. The implication is that e.g. mpv_render_context_update()'s return value will have MPV_RENDER_UPDATE_FRAME set, and the user is supposed to call mpv_render_context_render(). If there is no next frame, then the return value will have is_valid set to 0.


Enable or disable video timing. Valid for mpv_render_context_render().

Type: int*: 0 for disable, 1 for enable (default)

When video is timed to audio, the player attempts to render video a bit ahead, and then do a blocking wait until the target display time is reached. This blocks mpv_render_context_render() for up to the amount specified with the "video-timing-offset" global option. You can set this parameter to 0 to disable this kind of waiting. If you do, it's recommended to use the target time value in mpv_render_frame_info to wait yourself, or to set the "video-timing-offset" to 0 instead.

Disabling this without doing anything in addition will result in A/V sync being slightly off.


Use to skip rendering in mpv_render_context_render().

Type: int*: 0 for rendering (default), 1 for skipping

If this is set, you don't need to pass a target surface to the render function (and if you do, it's completely ignored). This can still call into the lower level APIs (i.e. if you use OpenGL, the OpenGL context must be set).

Be aware that the render API will consider this frame as having been rendered. All other normal rules also apply, for example about whether you have to call mpv_render_context_report_swap(). It also does timing in the same way.


Deprecated. Not supported. Use MPV_RENDER_PARAM_DRM_DISPLAY_V2 instead. Type : struct mpv_opengl_drm_params*


DRM draw surface size, contains draw surface dimensions. Valid for mpv_render_context_create(). Type : struct mpv_opengl_drm_draw_surface_size*


* DRM display, contains drm display handles. * Valid for mpv_render_context_create(). * Type : struct mpv_opengl_drm_params_v2*
