
Create a new client handle connected to the same player core as ctx. This context has its own event queue, its own mpv_request_event() state, its own mpv_request_log_messages() state, its own set of observed properties, and its own state for asynchronous operations. Otherwise, everything is shared.

This handle should be destroyed with mpv_destroy() if no longer needed. The core will live as long as there is at least 1 handle referencing it. Any handle can make the core quit, which will result in every handle receiving MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN.

This function can not be called before the main handle was initialized with mpv_initialize(). The new handle is always initialized, unless ctx=NULL was passed.

@param ctx Used to get the reference to the mpv core; handle-specific settings and parameters are not used. If NULL, this function behaves like mpv_create() (ignores name). @param name The client name. This will be returned by mpv_client_name(). If the name is already in use, or contains non-alphanumeric characters (other than '_'), the name is modified to fit. If NULL, an arbitrary name is automatically chosen. @return a new handle, or NULL on error

extern (C)
const(char)* name
